
Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Get bargain comics including vintage Star Wars editions whilst stocks last...

Take advantage of this unusual chance to get rare comics today and tomorrow (22-23rd April)...

Just a sample of the many Star Wars comics on sale, rare editions also in stock.

Other comics and books also available

If you’re a Star Wars fan or interested in other vintage comics, then you might find a rare or missing edition from your collection at the Corn Hall today and tomorrow. These comics are well below their usual RRP and offer great value, especially if the trailers for the forthcoming release have got you nostalgic!

Pop in to the Corn Hall by the market place for a bargain and find out what you’ve been missing from this dynamic offering.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Travel the World as an English Language Teacher for as little as £195 training...

Szekszard's famous wine museum.
Would you like to work abroad as an English teacher for as little as £195? Evan Burgess found out more.

Have you wondered what it would be like to work in a different field or find a profession where living abroad is a realistic option? How about studying two of those weeks in a highly regarded wine county?

Discover firsthand how to teach English where the occident and orient collide. In this Trinity College London course, you will find yourself studying for two out of five weeks in Hungary.   LT&D based in Witney run an Erasmus Plus partnered course that gives intensive training over 5 weeks. After that, the student is able to work as an English teacher all around the world, but also in the UK, where demand is steady for learning in the country.

A tribute to the grape in Tolna County
Osijek's Catholic church on a day trip
LT&D’s course runs for three weeks in Witney and two weeks in a town in southern Hungary called Szekszard. 1 and a ½ hours from Budapest and near the Serbian and Croatian borders, the town is an idyllic wine producing hotbed. In Hungary teaching candidates are given opportunities to work in a local classroom as a part of their observation process. This first hand opportunity is of great value in applying for work afterwards and forging bonds with the local teaching staff.

Budapest by Night

The course is currently operating with Erasmus Plus funding in alignment with the E.U, which allows the course fees to be drastically reduced. Flights to Hungary are included in the fee. Candidates ideally will have a degree and some familiarity with language, be it native or foreign. Grammar and phonetics are a part of the course that will quite likely develop new skills for the candidate. If accepted on the course it is best to do some reading up on these subjects to help prepare for the intense nature of study.
Art from Osijek in Croatia, just 80 miles from Szekszard
No need to fight over a slice with these pizzas

Usually there is time to take in the culture of Hungary whilst on location, be sure to enjoy the cheap and friendly nightlife. A good pizza can be as little as £5 in a stylish restaurant with a glass of wine in a night club can be as little as £1.50. Do not worry about cutting back too much when abroad and enjoy the intense but greatly developmental experience!
For more details contact LT&D:

Address: Windrush Court, 56A High Street, Witney OX28 6ET

Telephone: 01993 708637

Brewery Jazz Review 27th March 2015 Kings Head Vaulted Cellar Lounge

Full of atmosphere.
Evan Burgess reviewed the new monthly Jazz night at The Kings Head

Something new began in a humble cellar right off the market place. With recent talk of underground tunnels going through the whole of the town centre, being down in the lounge let the public’s imagination run wild. The neat and polished bar was an idyllic locale for music. Jazz was the style that brought about 100 people into the well seated hall. Table service meant people didn’t have to get up every time they wanted drinks. They could instead enjoy the slick and smooth music coming from a band of well drilled professionals.
John Law sat behind his array of instruments. His piano and keyboards were beautifully ornamental over Will Harris’ fine double bass playing. Italian drummer Paolo Adamo displayed an uncanny ability to master all playing techniques needed to drive the intricate melodies along.

A show containing these three individuals would have been a draw, but bringing with him a bold melodic layer saxophonist Andy Sheppard took the role of figurehead for the diverse and evocative music. The music was often demure before swelling into an unexpected new realm. No better example of this was when the group merged into Nick Drake’s ‘Riverman”, a wonderfully haunting song from late 60s album Five Leaves Left. The instrumentation made the tune familiar yet distant until Sheppard’s melodies brought home the vocal line in a timbre as beautiful as the original voice.

The quality of the music was something Cirencester will look forward to as Brewery Jazz carries on alongside Brewery Blues into the coming year.

Be sure to check out the next show with Jake McMurchie on Friday 24 April, tickets can be reserved by ringing 01285 700900.