Corinium Radio has been under siege lately thanks to a
mammoth recording project.
Cirencester’s community radio station has been working with
local author Simon May to adapt and record his recent book ‘Siege of the Hares’
as a serialised play to be broadcast in the near future.
Also central to the adaptation is actor Moses Hardwick.
Now parts have been allocated for the play and recording has
been started.
Said station spokesman Tony Coleman, “Volunteers have been
arriving to record their parts for the final production.
“It isn’t being recorded chronologically so everyone is
waiting to see what it sounds like when it all comes together.
“There’s a great buzz of excitement about the place.”
Graphic designer Simon uses talking hare characters in his
book but factual events relating to Cirencester are also to be found.
Added Tony, “This really will be a programme not to be
missed by local listeners. We’ll keep
you posted so you catch every second of the fun.”
Meanwhile Corinium Radio continues its major cultural
project of working with creative talents from across the area.
At the moment the station is working with its ‘artist in
residence’ Laurie Plant and will be auctioning an original artwork by him in
the near future to help raise funds for Corinium Radio.
If you’re ever in the King’s Head in Cirencester you could
well see examples of Laurie’s work, which adorn the hotel walls.
You can also see examples of Laurie’s work in an exhibition
being staged in the Bingham Gallery in Cirencester.
Entitled ‘Drawing on Cirencester’ the exhibition features
art work relating to the town from over 200 years ago.
But Laurie’s drawings from 2012 bring the exhibition bang up
to date.
During August you can see the exhibition on the 13th
and 27th of the month between 10 am and 2 pm.
It is organised by the Bingham Library Trust.

It takes place on the 27th and 28th of
August in Cirencester’s Abbey Grounds and Corinium Radio will be there to air
the proceedings.
Keep up to date with shows and news here: http://www.coriniumradio.co.uk/
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